Saturday, March 5, 2011

My new home

I moved to an area about 10 minutes outside of the town of Leogane called Plaslo. It is beautiful and refreshing to be a little outside of the city, surrounded by more farming land. I have the privilege of amazing views like the one below on my daily morning run.

My new home is tucked back amidst foliage, including really beautiful mango trees.

The front of the house (we are using the driveway to store some Gadyen Dlo buckets).

The living room

There are a few cracks in the walls as a reminder of the January 12th, 2010 earthquake.

My bedroom

The kitchen.....with not nearly enough counter space.

The broken latrine out back that is much easier to use than hauling water upstairs to flush the toilet.....

At least it has a beautiful view.....

Pikline just had 6 puppies, so I am clearly in heaven!

Our other dog, Remen tout "Likes everything", because the dog eats absolutely everything.

Pwadel getting water from the well.
Alliance, my coworker, playing DJ. He loves music and can be found in his "studio" producing music when he isn't working.

My new home and the people I live with have been amazing in supporting me, taking good care of me, and patiently teaching me things.

1 comment:

  1. I want to come put up some wall-paper for you in your new house :) Miss you and love you! You're doing an outstanding job - I am always amazed at your perseverance and passion for helping others

    xoxo, Cam
